Poem Reading: Childproof Sky

Originally published in The Journal — Volume 45.2–May 2022

Trapper Markelz
May 12, 2023
Ai art generated by the author

For National Poetry Month, I am recording myself reading one of my published or self-curated pieces of poetry each day for 30 days. This is the last one for the month!

Reading # 30 of 30

This poem is titled Childproof Sky. It is the title poem from my chapbook Childproof Sky a Cherry Dress Chapbooks 2023 selection. You can learn more about the book at https://childproofsky.com. The Journal gratefully published this poem in print issue 45.2 in May 2022.

©️ Trapper Markelz 2023

If you enjoyed this poem, please check out my chapbook Childproof Sky, a Cherry Dress Chapbooks 2023 selection.

Previous reading:



Trapper Markelz

Trapper Markelz (he/him) is a poet who writes from Boston, MA. His work has appeared in numerous journals and publications. Check out http://trappermarkelz.com